Sunday, February 13, 2011


1. What is hypermesh?
HyperMesh is a high performance finite element pre- and post- processor that enables you to create finite element and finite difference models for engineering simulation and analysis."

2. Why it is called hyper? Why not anything else?

A prefix used in mathematics to denote four or more dimensions...tria,rect,mixed,R-tri
(Dimensional analogy)

3. Why meshing is needed?
basic theame of FEA is to make calculations at only limited No of points & then interpolate the results for entire domain(surface r volume).any continuous object has infinite DOF's & its just not possible to solve the problem in this formate.finite elementt method reduces degrees of freedom from infinite to finite with the help of discretization(i.e Meshing)

4. What type of elements are created by meshing?

1d-line mesh,2D-quard,tria 3D-tetra,penta,hex,pyramid

• Tri-to-quad
• Quad-to-tri
• Tet-to-hex
• Hex-to-tet

5. What is dof?

Independent displacements and/or rotations that specify the orientation
of the body or system

Min NO of perameters required to define position of any entity
completly in the space is known as degree of freedom

6. What is degree of freedom of a plate element?
7. What is post processing? Why it is needed?

8. What is IGES?
initial graphics exchange specifications
9. What steps will you follow to do stress analysis if we give you an
iges file?

10. How to apply boundry condition and how do decide which boundary
conditions you will apply?
11. What are the common material properties that you can apply on a
12. What is youngs modulus and density of steel and aluminium?

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